

Il 95% delle persone che studiano da soli una lingua non la imparano mai.

Per questo, se vuoi realmente imparare l’Italiano, hai bisogno del mio aiuto. Perché?
  • Insegnante madrelingua che ti insegnerà grammatica e lessico.
  • Più di 6 anni di esperienza di insegnamento online a stranieri.
  • Più di 100 studenti che hanno studiato o stanno studiando con me.
  • Materiale didattico già pronto per aiutare anche te.
  • Lingue parlate: inglese, francese, spagnolo.

95% of people who study a language on their own never learn it.

For this reason, if you really want to learn Italian, you need my help. Why?
  • Native teacher who will teach you grammar and vocabulary.
  • More than 6 years experience of teaching online to foreigners.
  • More than 100 students who have learned or are still studying with me.
  • Teaching material ready to help you too.
  • Languages spoken: English, French, Spanish.

Hi everyone, my name’s Susanna and I’m your Italian teacher!

Here you can learn or improve your Italian, thanks to one-to-one classes: there are two types of classes, so choose according to your needs!

All the lessons are in Italian, but if you are a beginner, we can translate each time the concepts to help you understand Italian better! 

Hope to see you in our classes!


  • Are you a new student? Watch the video to know how to book the trial lesson! It’s totally FREE
  • Are you a recurring student? Save some money: book 5 classes and obtain a discount! Watch the video
  • You cannot book a lesson less than 24 hours before the time you want; or over 45 days from the date you are booking the class.
  • Lessons will start and end on time. We will wait max. 15 min. to start. 
  • If you miss the lesson and don’t inform us 24h before, we’ll consider the lesson as complete. Exceptions for real emergencies, if explained.

Sign up to book your lesson and manage your appointments!

Your Italian teacher


Founder of Arkos Academy

Italian native teacher

Sono nata e vivo nel Nord Italia.

Da ragazzina ho scoperto la mia passione per le lingue e culture straniere.

Dopo il liceo linguistico ho proseguito i miei studi alle università di Padova e Udine, studiando Lingue e Traduzione e laureandomi con 110/110 e lode.

So parlare inglese, francese e spagnolo. Ho studiato tedesco e russo, ma vorrei migliorare ancora di più le mie conoscenze di queste due lingue in modo da parlarle e capirle fluentemente.

Recentemente, ho cominciato a interessarmi al portoghese brasiliano.

Un’altra mia grande passione sono i viaggi: ho trascorso dei viaggi studio in Gran Bretagna (Cambridge), Francia (La Ciotat; Angers), Spagna (Barcellona) e Russia (Mosca), ma colgo ogni possibilità di visitare non solo i paesi stranieri ma anche i luoghi meravigliosi della “mia” Italia.

Attualmente lavoro come insegnante di inglese e francese per bambini e insegno italiano online per stranieri.

I was born and I live in northern Italy.

As a teenager, I discovered my passion for foreign languages and cultures.

Finished the foreign-language high school, I continued my studies at the universities of Padua and Udine, studying Foreign Languages and Translation and graduating magna cum laude.

I can speak English, French and Spanish. I also studied German and Russian, but I would like to improve even more my knowledge of these two languages in order to speak and understand them fluently.

Recently, I’ve taken an interest in Brazilian Portuguese.

Another my passion is travelling: I spent some study trips in the UK (Cambridge), France (La Ciotat, Angers), Spain (Barcelona) and Russia (Moscow), but I take every opportunity to visit not only foreign countries but also the wonderful places of “my” Italy.

Currently, I’m working as English and French teacher for children and I teach Italian online for foreigners.


If you have any doubts about the Italian language, if you would like to have more information about my online, private classes or if you want to suggest some improvements, please use this form to contact me! I would be glad to help you.

Made in Italy with love <3

Copyrights to Arkos Academy